Saturday, August 21, 2010

Open your eyes, get off your butt, out of your box, and look around at the real world. If you can't do that, just shut up. If you think criticizing others and putting them down from some delusional pulpit of superiority, you are just another braying ass.

The words egoism and egotism are frequently confused, as though interchangeable, but there are distinctions worth noting. Both words derive from Latin: ego (‘I’), the first-person singular pronoun. Egotism, the more commonly used term, denotes an excessive sense of self-importance, too-frequent use of the word 'I,' and general arrogance and boastfulness. Egoism, a more subtle term, is perhaps best left to ethicists, for whom it denotes a view or theory of moral behavior in which self-interest is the root of moral conduct. An egoist, then, might devote considerable attention to introspection, but could be modest about it, whereas an egotist would have an exaggerated sense of the importance of his or her self-analysis, and would have to tell everyone.  — from my Oxford online dictionary

I have had enough of smug ultra lefties, crazy ultra right wingers and pseudo-intellectual big-mouths. Listen closely and sometimes hear the few who are actually saying something of value.